Arkle Road Map

Roadmap v.1

Stage 1. ↳ Project presentation; ↳ Community development around and within the project; ↳ Making long-term partnerships; ↳ Developing and presenting main utilities; ↳ Preparing for the mint. Stage 2. ↳ Mint and fulfillment of obligations to holders; ↳ Selling partner 1/1 NFTs; ↳ Work on the alpha component of the project; ↳ Launch the game and beginning of revenue sharing. Stage 3. ↳ Bringing the process of attracting new players and revenue sharing to automaticity; ↳ Formal implementation of the Arkle Foundation; ↳ Actively investing in early projects; ↳ Integration of Arkle Betting into other platforms, blockchains, and metaverse; ↳ Rebranding. Stage 4. ↳ Project token implementation; ↳ Presentation of a new collection with its own product; ↳ Arkle Merch; ↳ Participation in Aptos IRL events; ↳ Presentation of the new roadmap.

Last updated